Charles Ma

Charles Ma is Chief Executive Officer of Ma Development Enterprises (New Zealand).
He is a New Zealander of Chinese descent, born in Auckland as the fourth of five children. He is the founder/CEO of Ma Development Enterprises (MADE) and his vision for MADE is an intensely personal one, emanating from his desire to add to human worth by creating places that foster and share social equity.
Charles adheres to a set of deep-seated values, including respect, positivity, faith and humanity. In a world of separation, where lack of human contact is increasingly common, Charles aims to pull the other way: to reconnect people, providing opportunities to reach their potential.
“I recognise that I am younger than many people who run such large ventures. However, I believe my youth is a significant advantage, as I bring a fresh perspective and have a level of freedom to be creative and flexible in my approach.
I have the privilege to lead a team of successful professional partners and have a number of highly experienced, extremely capable advisors to support me, along with a prominent Executive Coach in the US who specialises in coaching entrepreneurial leaders and global game changers.”
He is a New Zealander of Chinese descent, born in Auckland as the fourth of five children. He is the founder/CEO of Ma Development Enterprises (MADE) and his vision for MADE is an intensely personal one, emanating from his desire to add to human worth by creating places that foster and share social equity.
Charles adheres to a set of deep-seated values, including respect, positivity, faith and humanity. In a world of separation, where lack of human contact is increasingly common, Charles aims to pull the other way: to reconnect people, providing opportunities to reach their potential.
“I recognise that I am younger than many people who run such large ventures. However, I believe my youth is a significant advantage, as I bring a fresh perspective and have a level of freedom to be creative and flexible in my approach.
I have the privilege to lead a team of successful professional partners and have a number of highly experienced, extremely capable advisors to support me, along with a prominent Executive Coach in the US who specialises in coaching entrepreneurial leaders and global game changers.”